Sunday, January 1, 2012

2/365 - Huntsman Spider (Isopeda) - A friend in the washing...

I found this guy nestled in a towel I was folding. "Kill it!" said the husband. "No," said the vegetarian-lover-of-all-creatures. "I'm going to relocate it." So I took it outside but before it disappeared, I thought I'd get a little practice in with my 105mm. Not happy with the result BUT it meant that I had my 2/365 done if nothing else cropped up (or jumped out) during the day. Beautiful weather here on the coast! Blue skies, gentle breeze...Summer's here.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

1/365 - Marley the wonder dog

untitled-146 by Ann McLeod Images
untitled-146, a photo by Ann McLeod Images on Flickr.

Taking a photo a day for a year doesn't sound like a huge challenge - just take that camera, point and shoot. Sounds easy! Any self-respecting photography enthusiast however will tell you that it can't be just ANY photo. We all strive for something special, something different...something a little 'arty'. This is possibly where many of us come undone and the 365 project gets thrown into the 'two hard' basket...something to be attempted next year when we have more time. The truth is that every year, at some point, we become too busy or lack creativity. It's those times that we'll just have to 'take that camera, point and shoot' to achieve a completed 365 project.

I recently had lunch with a dear friend I went through uni with. With her she bought two of her creations: the first, a beautiful, smiling baby girl (Ella) and the second, a published book of her 365 project from the previous year. I was quite humbled to see a dedication to me for encouraging her photography and 365 project. The images in her book were stunning. I'm sure in years to come that her little Ellabug will look through her Mumma's book and see what was happening the year before she came into her parents' lives.

Whenever I've attempted a 365 I've found that my photography has improved. Instead of just taking a photo when the need/want arises, I'm actually thinking about the shot. I hope this year I'll achieve something along the lines of my friend Amy - a record of my year in images.

You're welcome to come along with me or just to visit from time to time.

Let the journey begin...

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pregnancy - 36 weeks

This was a very special shoot with my niece, Lindy. Baby is due 1st June! So close.


Friends by Ann McLeod Images
Friends, a photo by Ann McLeod Images on Flickr.

Sarah loved this orangutan soft toy a the Zoo shop. I must admit, it was cute.

Behind bars - Taronga Zoo, Sydney Australia

Whilst Taronga Zoo is an amazing place and the animals appear to be very well looked after, it's still a little sad to see them behind bars. Here Sarah contemplates what it might be like.

annie x

Spider woman - Taronga Zoo, Sydney Australia

Mother's Day 2011 - Helen and Sarah decided that Taronga Zoo, Sydney, would be a happy place to spend Mother's Day...and it was.

We sat in on the Spider Talk. Unfortunately, you don't get to hold any creatures in this particular presentation so Helen found a plastic spider to pose with in the Zoo Shop.

I couldn't work out if she looked like a modern day witch with that hat or someone out of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

Annie x

Friday, April 15, 2011


Helen by Ann McLeod Images
Helen, a photo by Ann McLeod Images on Flickr.

It's been a while since I've picked up my D90. My creativity has been lacking since Mum passed away. Time to start capturing my beautiful world again, starting with Helen, my eldest daughter. xxx