Friday, February 20, 2009

43/365 - Frangipani in the rain

Took this photo in the rain about a week ago. It was so refreshing after the hot weather. My brother flew to Victoria today to help with the fires. More rain due here tomorrow.

February Scavenger Hunt - Knee

So this is another experiment with my ghetto light-box. I made the light box from a you-tube tute...cardboard wine box, white tissue paper, sticky tape. I'm quite happy with the effect. I do need to make a bigger one however. A couple of good lights would help as well. Lots of fun.

I didn't want to take a picture of my own knee for this entry in the February Scavenger Hunt (Knee) so my trusty wooden drawing Mannequin came to the rescue with his beautiful wooden knee. One comment suggested it would make a good ad for a knee replacement!


Siam Tulip

41/365 - Siam Tulip
Originally uploaded by Annmaxine
Friday at home. Feeling guilty because I didn't make it to the gym BUT I did start the day with a coffee with my friend Megan at Cantina. Then a visit to my favourite florist, Carrie, who had these amazing Siam Tulips in her cooler. I couldn't resist. Such beautiful colours and the lower part of the flower is so interesting...each part almost has a life of it's own. Some look like little aliens waiting to emerge.

The flowers are natives of Thailand and a member of the ginger family.

Sarah amused us tonight with a performance of her 3 dancing styles: hip hop, contemporary ballet and jazz...all done with her crazy touch of humour. If only she'd let me video her. I'm sure her children would appreciate it in years to come. She had Helen and I in hysterics. She actually dances quite well...when she's serious.

Thursday, February 19, 2009