Sunday, May 10, 2009

My Mum - (MSH - 1 in 1,000,000!)

I think I'm very lucky to still have my Mum to share the good, the bad (and sometimes the ugly) things that happen in my life. I think sometimes we take for granted what we have.

My Mum-in-law passed away 2 years ago. She battled cancer for 10 years and at the end was a wisened little old woman - a shell of her former self. Sometimes when we visited her we'd take her a McDonalds Oz Burger (like an old fashioned hamburger with meat, lettuce, tomato & sauce - nothing fancy). She thought this was a real treat and we'd cut it up and she'd devour it with relish! We often wondered how she'd get through it as her appetite was very poor - but she would.

Late yesterday afternoon, on Mother's Day, we went to the lawn cemetery with a bunch of flowers, a picnic rug and a McDonalds burger. We spread the rug and sat down - the two meat-eaters in the family shared the burger and we talked & laughed about the good times we had with Grandma. I'm not sure what other people visiting the cemetery thought but I know that Grandma would have loved that visit.

We miss her.

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